The High Altai Argali (ovis ammon ammon) is the largest, most impressive sheep in the world, and is known to be the crown jewel of any sheep hunter's trophy room around the globe! This is the biggest wild sheep in the world and without a doubt the most beautiful and impressive of all wild sheep. These animals carry the largest horns of all sheep species, by a significant margin - weighing as much as 75 pounds. The horns have a characteristic argali flair and trophies normally range from 50 to 60 inches in length. Average trophies are 55 inches, with a ram or two over 60 inches taken every year in our special areas with extensive scouting. Just like most Asian mountain hunting experiences, hunting is by horseback and foot in the Altai region. Seldom do hunters need to spike out with backpack tents, but spiking out is an option for the more prepared, adventurous and ambitious. Spot and stalk hunting is the preferred method of hunting as it allows us to judge the animals with spotting scopes before making the final stalk.

Hunting Season: Argali hunting season runs from the 1st of July until the 1st of October. We recommend July and September for better results, with September being better than July for the Argali skin of your trophy.
Altitude and terrain: You will be hunting at an altitude of 2300 up to 3300 meters above sea level (7000 up to 10000 feet). The terrain (compared to other Asian hunts) is easy, however there's still some hiking involved during the hunt, and you should be well prepared.
Weather: Weather is generally pleasant during the day, specially during the months of July and August, with September being colder with possibility of snow fall. However, as we get closer to your dates, you will receive detailed information and updates about weather forecast.
Accommodations: Hunting camps vary depending the area you are hunting. Some will have well-equipped base camp(s), complete with permanent buildings, yurts, outhouses, generators, furniture, stock corrals and trophy care facilities. Some camps are more of a spike camp and will consist of yurts, portable trailers and/or lightweight tents
Mongolian Argali Hunting Season |
July - September |
Hunting Rates |
High Altai Argali Hunt - Price On Request ***Kindly contact us at youssefchagoury@gmail.com |
· Intensive pre-scouting for your trophy Altai Argali prior to your arrival by a Huntourage guide
· Trophy fees for 1 High Altai Argali
· You will be guided by a legendary Mongolian guide
· Professional photography and videography services
· All hunting licenses & tags
· Firearms permit import documents
· Meeting & greeting, pickup & transportation at all airports
· All ground transportation
· Lodging & meals at camp
· Cabin or tent accommodation
· Trophy skinning & preparation
· Airfare (Domestic and international) and visa fees
· Trophy Shipping (Based on crate size) and CITIES Export documentation ($1650 per hunter)
· Lodging before and/or after hunt
· Non-hunter rate $1,500 / person
· Tips